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الخميس، 27 سبتمبر 2012

Basics of success in Forex Trading

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Why an important time during the day?

New money (new entrants in the market) come to the market and are looking to create some kind of movement so that "they want to gain as well." No one gets money from the fixed market, so traders will work to move it to make a profit. Of this movement, two things can happen:

Fluctuations in the direction and return to the road that came from, causing the reflection;

. The occur continuity in the same direction taken by participants in the previous market.

In both cases, to get some movement The only decision that must be taken is any of the currency pairs you want to move in any direction!.

What are the best times to do the swap?

In earlier times, just after the opening of key markets. After the opening of the Frankfurt and London market for securities in Europe, after Wall Street opened in the United States. Also around midnight GMT at the opening of Asian markets, which provide some volatility, but most of the time less than European markets and U.S. markets. Record these in your diary and try for a week

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