We used in recent years to listen to multiple tips on how health sit in front of the computer in the house, but what is the best way to sit while using the tablet, which we carry with us everywhere?
دراسة تحدد وضعية الجلوس السليم لاستخدام الايباد
This is shown by the results of scientific research eating and sitting positions best to avoid back pain, neck, shoulders and head, and leave aside the clothing folding as a substrate for a tablet device!
Will suffer from constant bending over the iPad screen as it used to try to see and identify what your friends are drawn in their posts? If the answer is yes, then you need to see the details of her research!
Resulted in a new survey conducted on health situations that must be followed when using the iPad, the results can help you avoid back pain, shoulders and neck when continuous use of the device tablet in general and the iPad specifically.
The research was conducted in a competent public health school at Harvard in the United States and recently published in the Bulletin of Work.
The researchers used fifteen participants tested using two types of tablets two iPad 2 and a Motorola Xoom from industry, so that each participant was required to use the device in four different modes:
The device to your knees and catch him with your hands.
The device to your knees and catch him by clothing.
Placing the device on the table and caught by clothing.
Placing the device on the table with a sharp Milan with the help of clothing to watch the video.
Participants were asked in the test do several tasks on the device's screen while researchers were monitoring the movement and the angle of the neck and the head of each participant through infrared rays which help to monitor these movements.
The researchers found as a result that the curvature of the head and neck was significantly different between the status and other. Also show that the curvature of the head and neck when using the tablet outweigh the degree of bending when you use your homework.
He says Jake Dnerlin - crew chief researchers: "If we compare the position of the body when using the computer homework with the position of the body when using the tablet, we undoubtedly will find that the second case is more harmful to the body of the user and may lead to pain in the shoulders and neck."
The results showed that less curvature of the user when using the device was a topic on the table and grab the user hands. While in the other three positions have been monitoring the angle of curvature ranging from 15 to 25 degrees more than what is considered acceptable curvature in such cases.
The results showed that in the case of the use of iPad, the clothing forcing the user to bend at an angle greater than acceptable.
The researchers concluded as a result of that in order to improve the status of the neck when using the tablet, you should put the device high above the table in order to avoid look down toward the bottom while the device is on the knees in addition to the use of Peixa gives us a reasonable angle to use the device.
The bottom line if you want to avoid exposure to the pain of the neck and shoulders and head due to the continued use tablet, you put the device in front of you on the high table isnaad clothing at a high angle so you do not have to bend over when placed above the knees.