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الثلاثاء، 25 سبتمبر 2012

What are the expectations of the price of gold for the year 2012?

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Note that the volatility in equities remains exist permanently, especially in the midst of earnings season. But fluctuations in the price of gold has subsided. In 99.9% of cases, the approach taken bottom - Investment Summit. I personally do ignoring the macroeconomic picture most of the time, and I ignore the speakers on the TV, and also ignore the peaks and valleys of Preference, and focus on companies. Focus on their chances, and focus on value and growth and then baited between vendors frightened, investors who are afraid at every decline in the market. And I large corporate Baltalq when low prices, watching the returns and is flowing. This is the reason that my favorite time of the year is the month of August and September and October - the broad market disaster months. Now, this is on the vast majority of the market. And a few exceptions is the price of gold.

Case with gold completely flipped. It Investment from top to bottom, where its value is tied in the overall economy. The addition to your situation when declines - as is the case now - and benefit when boarding.

During the month of August, gold price bounced back from 1.900 $ per ounce. Today, hovering around 1.590 $. This nearly falling by about 16%, ie by 16% discount.

A lot of people think that the luster-filled days on new heights for gold are gone. And have heard claims that the price of gold will reach $ 1.100 and so it will drop down to $ 700 ... But I ignore these extremists. Will tell you something, we may see the price of gold drops to lower levels - this is possible;, but a lot of these Altdeghin forget that the price of gold is also seasonal, although this is not seasonal and clear like other commodity prices lighter.

If the truth is, we are in a regressive phase seasonal inside what I believe to be more progressive wave. We are in a holding pattern - the pattern of retention, or rest, and we have seen this same stop since April to July of last year when the price of gold hovered around $ 1,500 and dropped to the level of 1.400 $ sometimes.

In fact, over the past five centuries, gold prices weakened from mid-February until the summer, and again in the month of October. And the biggest gains are in the period of November to the beginning of February, the annual movement of the mouse before you buy Asian high.

You will notice that the volatility in the stock continues permanently astray, especially that we are the center of the earnings season, but volatility in the price of gold has subsided. And gone are the days when the price moves by $ 150 per ounce. Now, the big movement is to be between 30 and $ 40. And most of the days are less movement than that.

The months of November and December of the strongest months for gold. But this year we had the U.S. presidential elections in November, and continue macroeconomic picture in being weak. We are still worried about Europe. Greece is a small problem compared to what is revealed in Spain, and Spain has negligible compared to the situation in Italy.

If dominoes began falling, the end of the a large euro will experience fun moving from discussion during dinner to a very large probability.

I expect to take six months before a big rise last in the price of gold. And $ 2,000 for gold looks much more prominent than the triple digits. Choose your area over the next six months, and the expectation of rising gold price in the latter half of the year. Of course, at least, should have investments by 5% in precious metals such as gold.

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