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الاثنين، 1 أكتوبر 2012

Gold markets between recession and hopes traders

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Although Ramadan is the build-up to gold dealers in order to reap the gains sold for vogue acquisitions in preparation for a wedding and the network that increases significantly after the holy month but since almost half with rising prices the precious metal and the deterioration of the economic situation that has hit the masses of the Egyptian people has broad deterioration of the gold markets clearly.

Says Mohsen Ibrahim, the economic situation with rising gold prices affect us greatly, Ramadan is no longer a special season gold dealers, was left in the month is a little and did not pay you what we or collect money for the purchase of modern forms of gold.

As a believer Ahmed conceived to things look of hope and optimism, he felt that the sale of small pieces such as Dabal and valve and ring is preferred dreamed majority gold traders long after the events of the revolution, and we consider this period is the transition between stagnation and prosperity selling and buying.

Yasser Taha suggests that it may suffer small traders in gold from this bad situation, The merchants adults can be to come to them from network buys or Almaz including gift equivalent to 40 or 50 thousand pounds They help in resolving the crisis has.

There are still a lot of rich families, which adheres to their customs a personal purchase gold kit to wear in the feast and, despite the high prices they are committed to this habit.

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