a series of legal disputes between the company "Apple" and Samsung in
the corridors of the courts in different countries have become we
receive each week, details of the issue here and another there,
sometimes the Samsung against Apple and at other times Apple against
Samsung and so on are judicial files between giants occupy a lot of
courts all over the the globe.
Apple Wins the issue of a marketing ban Galaxy Nexus in the United States

In the last episode of this conflict between two major, won the "Apple" case had been filed several months ago against Samsung in the United States. And was able to "Apple" to seek the court decision to ban telephone marketing Galaxy Nexus in the United States which is a painful blow directed primarily to Google before they are directed to Samsung.
And claimed that "Apple" that the system Android violated four patents belong to it, the first is the way highlight the operating system between the text and figures (if the number can be pressed to connect to it, for example), the second is the word prediction in the keyboard touch, the third is the draw to unlock screen slide-to-unlock, the fourth is talking about a unified search interface Unified Search allows the operating system to search both within the device or on the web from the same place.
It is disturbing to Google in particular that the above mentioned Nexus will be the first device after the tablet of the same series, which will carry a copy of the Jelly Bean Alandroed system, which will serve as a device that will recognize the Americans through to the new version, and thus prevention receive a severe blow Google.
It is noted that was issued just days before this decision, a court ruling last banned through court sale tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1, and there are expected to try Apple get a court order prohibits the marketing of a Galaxy S 3 in the United States, like the devices of others, for the same reasons, a search engine user when a Unified Searc
Apple Wins the issue of a marketing ban Galaxy Nexus in the United States
In the last episode of this conflict between two major, won the "Apple" case had been filed several months ago against Samsung in the United States. And was able to "Apple" to seek the court decision to ban telephone marketing Galaxy Nexus in the United States which is a painful blow directed primarily to Google before they are directed to Samsung.
And claimed that "Apple" that the system Android violated four patents belong to it, the first is the way highlight the operating system between the text and figures (if the number can be pressed to connect to it, for example), the second is the word prediction in the keyboard touch, the third is the draw to unlock screen slide-to-unlock, the fourth is talking about a unified search interface Unified Search allows the operating system to search both within the device or on the web from the same place.
It is disturbing to Google in particular that the above mentioned Nexus will be the first device after the tablet of the same series, which will carry a copy of the Jelly Bean Alandroed system, which will serve as a device that will recognize the Americans through to the new version, and thus prevention receive a severe blow Google.
It is noted that was issued just days before this decision, a court ruling last banned through court sale tablet Galaxy Tab 10.1, and there are expected to try Apple get a court order prohibits the marketing of a Galaxy S 3 in the United States, like the devices of others, for the same reasons, a search engine user when a Unified Searc