The bottom of the case has a 1/4?-20 tripod mount, which will help get the blur out of my pics assuming I have a tripod handy. The backside of the case where the camera lens is also has a soft-touch grip to make it easier to hold your iPhone for shooting photos. The coolest feature of the case though is that it has a button to activate the shutter.
That grey button on the top of the grip activates the shutter for you so you don’t have to use the touchscreen. The case also has buttons for zooming in and out, which will be marginally useful since digital zoom is the suck. The case also has a battery pack inside to run that extra flash that charges via USB. The flash used is a xenon strobe and will be much brighter than the flash included on the iPhone. The project is on Kickstarter right now seeking $50,000 to go into production. So far, a bit under $4,500 has been pledged and the project has 72 more days to go