iphone.lovely-world.net Retro Executor Keychain Gets Made Into BlackBerry App | Mobile News and Trading
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الأحد، 1 يوليو 2012

Retro Executor Keychain Gets Made Into BlackBerry App

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If you grew up as a kid in the 80's, like myself, then you most likely owned one of the original Executor Keychains. These fun for kids, yet annoying as hell to adults, keychains were a staple to the youth of those times. If you happened to miss out on the Executor Keychain generation, or just want to re-live those childhood memories of blowing up your kid sibling with the infamous dropping bomb sounds, it is now possible thanks to developer Harry Scanlan AKA @footose.

Harry has taken the sounds and UI of the physical Executor Keychain, made it into a app for your BlackBerry device, and re-named it beExecutor. This app has the 8-bit, 8-sound effects similar to the original sound effect "Executor" Keychain: Bomb, Explosions, Siren, Machine Gun, Phasers, Lasers, Falls and a Gatling Gun. With beExecutor you'll be center of attention no matter what time or place, just crank up the volume and let er' rip! This little noisemaker app is a must have for anyone looking to have a bit of fun.

And if you are also looking for the original thing, I've spotted a few on eBay for sell as well. You can pick up beExecutor now in App World for only $0.99, only a fraction of what it would cost for the real thing!

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